KDF is still garbage. Few PVE content, broken PvP.
The Company has really made itself a name for poor quality.
I returned after a longer brake and found the KDF in the same poor state as before, just the same grind through always the same missio…
The Foundry allows great and bad missions. Some time ago the devs said something about additions to the Foundry which would have to be bought from C-Store. Also you don't have the tools to create content comparable to Cryptics missions.
The games iright if one want to play federation. It's Bridge Commander made online with a monthly fee.
The Devs do not even pretend to favour faction equality as they had more the a year to bring the KDF on par with the Federation. They should ha…
STO has increased since release in most part for C-Store stuff and federation players content. The Klingons and their players have been kicked to the ground by the developers time and again with failed promises for content and additions. The through…
Nice review, but sad that the Klingons are not meant to be a full faction any time in the future.
Would be better to rename the game to Starfleet Online if all other factions are designed to serv the Federation.