Can't wait for the expansion and all it will bring to the game! Still a huge fan, since beta 1. Loving all the new kinds of content on the way. Still amazed at how much Trion adds to the game on a regular basis. Nothing seems to get "old" and I can'…
Originally posted by Hincha
Originally posted by Vantras
The "Rift debate" has been fascinating to watch and has basically proven that generally speaking the MMO community at large will never and i mean NEVER overwhelmingly embrace a title.
Hate to break it to you all, but EVERY mmo has the same problem. Every single one of them. It's like being forced to listen to a room full of teen (or pre-teen) testosterone induced chest thumping. Or an entire schoolyard full of kids all yelling, "…
I have already pre-ordered. Participated in 3 of 4 betas and am really looking forward to release. I have beta'd many mmos over the years and this one has been incredibly smooth. The most fun I've had in a mmo in years. Years.
Not going to postula…
amazing! A justifiable excuse when experiencing spousal aggro (aggression) while gaming.
I'm exercising! Playing WoW (or insert mmo here) is HEALTHY!
Love it! FANtastic concept. Talk about reality immersion. I'd love to see intricate gestur…
From an avid player of 10+ years in mmos (way back to The Realm), I loved the game. Simply loved it. With very high expectations after beta testing so very many recent utter failures, I almost did NOT beta Rift. But I did both betas, testing both f…