playing the open beta from europe
i' am playing from Belgium, i din't requre to do anything special.
i used a fake adress random zipcode, citty, street, (only state and stata code needed to exist.) no american proxy, a belgian email adress.
a tip for the verify code use smal letters evan if the code looks capital, took me whil for i got the
a verify code is 6 chars for example j9pnd
Greetz cyberbug
damn beta, have been awake for like 25 houres.
And i 'm so sure that if i dare to go to sleep subscriptions will go open.
and after 30 min all spots filled or after 5 minutes site down due to traffic load.
Greetz cyberbug
Yea i would like to know this to
i have free ccount on Fileplanet but when i try to go to the wow download it wines about paying.
if its only for paying fileplanet members, it's a total ripp-off.
And we should start a petition for Blizzard to t…
on in the US section it says:
All of these are official torrents. You download exactly the same as with the "Blizzard Downloader".
30.10.04 - 21:48: Contact me if you know where to get the Stress Test Client Downloader
guess t…