Not yet... Look for it around next Friday (18th) along with magic weapons :-)
Were adding features as fast as we can.
Fantasy Realm Online Support
Hi Momo,
Thanks for your input. We are working on balancing many of the lower level spells. Note that no matter what we do you are going to have to use your staff a good bit more at the lower levels (1 - 4) because the magic is not very powerf…
Originally posted by momodig I'm still having issues with combat ctrl-tab enters combat, but ctrl-c does not exit combat... also I have fire spell setup for hotkey F1... seems when i'm in combat mode I can't use the F1 hotkey -- and while in combat…
Ok we will expand that tomorrow in Tuesday's patch to 10 and get to work on the delete functionality. Please note a recent patch allows you to keep your things when you are a new player and die (lower than level 7). I also recommend opening a bank a…
Originally posted by momodig Curious does this game use the paperdoll system... ie.. if you equip a sword, your avatar has a sword... or wear place, your armors appearance changes? also how do we delete a character on the character select screen
Originally posted by Parkertime
Originally posted by japo
Two questions....How can I create a female character?
I lol'd
One is in the works... Were trying to test all the core systems right now. This is the primary foc…
Please try to launch your realm browsers again, I have updated the date and times produced by our web services to be culture invariant, your systems seem to be unable to parse a US standard date so I believe this may fix your problem.
Ok this helps a lot let me see what we can do. I will have another post when I believe the problem is fixed... Out of curiosity what version of the .NET Framework do you have installed? Also are you outside US?
Fantasy Realm O…
Momo, I just replied with another email to you, as I stated this problem may take some time to solve, I do not know your whole computer/network configuration is. We have had about 25 different people log onto the game with no technical issues report…
Sure your inventory can be opened by double clicking your the bag on the right hand side of the screen slightly above to the right of your boots. Again please feel free to message for the fastest response.
Two yo…
Ok have you tried relaunching the game after you received this error? Also at what point of the realm browser did it crash, at the list or did you hit the gold arrow that takes you to a little screenshot of the game?
you can reply to support@f…