Not only is the game play overly repetitious. The game mechanics compound the feeling. All the ground mobs and NPC ships all feel the same. You don't have to really play any mob in the game differently. Lieutenant feels like Vice Admiral.
Now a ye…
I love the idea. It was terrible to run a raid over and over for a low percentage drop rate item. Only to lose the roll a few times to someone else. With the medalions you are working toward it each run.
I have a life time subscription, I also thought the first review was to high. The game is poor on polish, social and value. They are slow to act on anything but c-store additions. The improvements to ground combat should have started in March of 201…
I don't like free for all PVP it seems pointless. When AOC launched I chose the faction PVP server type. It was a lot of fun we would get random groups fighting each other. Then they dropped those servers and merged them with the FFA server types. I…