you should be good but its really all about ping cause even modern online games don't actually use up tons of bandwidth (this is good in light of Canada and many other countries curtailing usage by limiting total gigabytes downloaded a month) i.e. a…
Originally posted by TellusMars
I thought it was well written. But hey it's your oppinion and I have mine ;-)
True, it is my opinion, and Plato did have a lot to say on knowledge versus opinion. The problem is is that practically speaking, …
Originally posted by spawn12345
huh? its more like 4 weeks after release 5% of the players are in endgame.
If you rush through the content then its your own fault. and no mmo in the world could satisfy you
If you have to pace yourself in cont…
Looking at this woman's previous posting history, I now understand why her few reviews are so poorly done.
Whoever she is, to this website she just writes 100 word blurbs and introduces other peoples reviews. Her own experience of computer gaming i…
"I will admit right here that neither [PvP and Dungeons] are aspects of any MMO in which I regularly participate"
here's a synopsis of the synopsis:
I played a media event so I pretty much know how this game works. Unlike every other mmorpg out th…
Originally posted by Neiko
I see people go into bgs while in orvr warbands every now and then in t2/t3, but I wouldn't say bgs happen all the time. From what I've been able to see, there is ALWAYS something going on in t2/t3. Whether or not it's …
Originally posted by Neiko If anything there are more oRVR than bgs popping. I wasn't toying with you there. I didn't even touch scenarios in t2/t3
There is usually at least something going on in t2 and t3, but there isn't always "fighting" …
The game isn't nearly as dead as people like to think it is. T4 and T1 pretty much have fighting 90% of the time on US servers, and T2 and T3 have them about 50% of the time. Mostly during afternoon/evening/weekends for t2/t3. But it's still there.
Originally posted by Loke666
Originally posted by UnleadedRev
I would spend big bucks on store items if they would just go F2P, the way I did with LOTRO and AoC...
Feels weird saying F2P in the same sentence with "big bucks"...LOL
Originally posted by Tailz2k7
Yeah, you'll be fine as a pom. If you go blood & glory and need any help my name is Coma. No hard feelings if I have or do gang you in the future... It's why I play with my team. Group pvp!
haha, all underst…
Originally posted by Tailz2k7 PoM suffers due to AA progession and gear give high resistances to magical damage yet at the same time you are a healer and provide other services to a team. There has never been a team that says no... we don't need any…
Originally posted by thebigghost Keys/Coupon for purchasing accounts
these keys just say im registering a free account, which is what i already have and am able to sub for pre…
can't really say anything in response to your post cause i dont really play the game. with the free subscription type now though i'm gonna give it another go, and i have a level 34 priest of mitra i'd like to play. dunno if its one of the ones avail…
like any funcom game its pay to play. probably 15 a month, with pretty decent discounts on 3 month to year long subscriptions. anarchy online drops the subscription price in half when you sign up for a year.