I was pretty interested in ArcheAge for a few years now, but when I played it...it felt like they tried super hard to have a controlled sandbox,which in turn didn't feel like a sandbox to me. The way housing is done really turns me off, just feels l…
Life is Feudal looks a lot like what I would want...when the mmo version is released. Even with just the private server version, I may try it out. The other mmo I forgot to mention was WURM, I absolutely loved this game, but I didn't/dont' have enou…
Probably the best mmo on the market IMO, but I just don't have enough time to play it...I wish so badly that I did, but I really don't think I do...idk, I may get back into it, maybe TRY and see if I can make the time. I've played so many games/mmos…