Everyone has to find his game. for me all the stuff like UI, classes, all that gameplay stuff is secondary. in VG this is ok to good for me just like in most other MMOs.
for me the world and atmosphere matters. that's what touches my heart and tie…
for me it was a question of class.
with my warrior i got stuck at level 40 because with this class i couldnt heal myself effectively and without a group in my back i often ended with the face in the dirt.
with a more soloable class like a paladi…
Trial island is nice for player pop although i like the old starting areas close to the peoples capitals much more. the atmosphere there is just great.
one of the best features of vanguard (the size of the world that invites every explorer) is its…
I so often returned to VG because its so different although its a quest game. its not like bubble gum (like modern games), its like a decent cooked meal compared to the recently released games.
a non-existing development is poison to game motivati…