I like your style, Vanguardian, I think you have some pretty nifty ideas. There are some things for the ultimate MMORPG that I think you maybe haven't considered...
Graphics: Theydon't really need much comment, they always pretty much serve e…
On Gunblade's suggestion, I looked into Realms of Torment, and was he ever right!! There was even a round tablke discussion where the lead designer talked at length about the short sightedness of most MMORPGs sticking to played out leveling treadmi…
I looked into the Faces of Mankind, and even signed up for the Beta *crosses fingers*. Thankyou very much for the suggestion. I would, however, much prefer a game with a fantasy setting, but anything that can break away from leveling up is a refre…
You need to decide what is it you like best about games. If you like emmersive 3-D graphics, ask for recommendations about games like that. If you like emphasis on role-playing, ask about that. There are some games that are built to change and wh…