Wow, could just read through the first page.. so much autism, sarcasm, and just ways to act smart.
"Wow your making a thread based on average ratings of other opinion" <-- stating the obvious, but has 0 points made.. just made me sick in my s…
You know what guys.. ive changed my mind..
After watching the 1 hour live segment.. and when i can breathe it in.. i mean the games actions and pvp looks pretty sick
and UNIQUE.. the Cleric looked rock solid.. loved the shield..
Now realize…
Originally posted by Nitth Cant take the running seriously without breaking into laughter
hahah yea it isnt running.. its a constant sliding.. with an animation of taking steps hahaha.. SO BAD
Originally posted by Phry Originally posted by Aelious
I get that people like or don't like certain art styles but why try to make it seem SoE is messing up? There has already been many points made, even by the art lead (who also did EQ), as to …
OP is right.. only in the MMORPG genre is a game from 2004 dominating the market.
And there is a reason for that.. everything getting released is bad.
You can´t really argue. Your best mmorpg experiences in whole where the past.. you cant prove m…
the fact is they are still competing with WoW that came out 2004-2005.. EQ Next is called next and not 3..
for 1 reason.. to go dirty.. to try to steal all those 13-16year olds with mums visa cards.
This game wont give goosebumps..
Originally posted by DMKano Originally posted by Grotar89 Originally posted by Elmberry A disney lion... "Cool"... I wonder if Ratonga race will look equal "cool" as Mickey Mouse (black nose with big black round ears).
They did …
Jesus.. not looking good.. cant really see any difference compared to WoW..
You really notice that these guys are strictly following budget/trend.. for end term profit.
EQ1 was done with passione..
EQ2 was done with money in mind (ultra …