I stand corrected, Can you post the rest of your computer specs here?
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/showthread.php?p=36906#post36906 There is a good thread about the intel integrated graphics
I am and Extremely friendly person and help anyone in need. I actually go out of my way to help those in need(given they are nice as well).
I'll be sure and send you a tell once i get in
Why don't you just tell us what your video card is and I'm sure someone will tell you if it is good enough or not. No need to borrow someone's account.
I, too, and thinking about buying it. WoW is just not tickling my fancy anymore. I'm thinking either SWG or City of Heroes. Seeing as how SWG has the total experience thing out, I'm leaning towards that. Someone please help me decide