Buy Gauntlet instead. You'll get the same game that these guys are likely producing. "Adapting" the rules means dispensing with them and "restraining scope" means delivering simplicity to acquire a wider audience. Rest assured, this will be much …
TOR was born wrong. There was an opportunity to deliver episodic, story-driven RPG content in the Star Wars universe for you and your friends to explore and enjoy. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars building that game, then released it and…
Garbage. Installed, played about 10 minutes, uninstalled. Everything about it screams "Asian MMO RPG Maker 5.0"
It has all the love and care of your average Panda Express.
With mere weeks til release, I have zero hope this game will launch into anything but the recycling bin. Given another 6 months, it could be great, but that's not going to happen.
I cancelled the second I realized they are dedicating themselves to making a PvP game.
Hmm, we have the only MMO on the market that has a plot and storyline and real decisions and characters. I know! Let's COMPLETELY FUCKING IGNORE THAT and try …