Originally posted by PaddyUK
So i'm finally bored of WoW and i'm looking for something new to play. This looks good and i'd like to try it before buying. So if anyone wants to spare a key then my email is pad472{at}gmail{dot}com
Many tha…
Originally posted by SKdragon
I would love to have a rookie trial, iam considering buying TR but i want to see how it is before i do
Thanks in advance
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like sleepy said i got the same problem! i cant find a plane either sleepy can you plzz send me a mail when you got the answer? (crazytom85@hotmail.com)
I downloaded the engine and giving it a try but i got stuck in the first 30min -_-" because I couldnt download some files needed of the website of them... it's about: Kaneva Basics Series Lesson Files
If anyone has them can you please e-mail it t…