launch is January 26. Its 10yo game but its rdy, all bugs/exploits are fixed. This version is really solid. its in open beta, but number of problem this game have is not small. Lags, exploits, b…
There is no such games on the market like dfo ... with dynamic shooter combat and a lot sandbox elements
Mortal online is shit.
Eve have good sandbox but combat is to slow/easy.
Wurm is super crafting/building game but combat is shit, they focus …
PvP game without full loot is boring for me ... 0 emotions, 0 adrenaline
I remember the days of playing WoW pvp and being happy.
After dfo i cant play 95% of new mmos, its so fucking boring ...
Fuck you Darkfall
LFGame with combat like Darkfall and craft/teraforming like Wurm xD
or isometric mmo with combat like moba/albion and craft/teraforming like H&H
I dont have big demands ;p