The "negates choice" thing. I've heard this a lot and it confuses me. Your choices in ME1 and ME2 have tremendous effects on what happens in ME3. Who lives and dies is directly the result of those choices. The bigger dick you were in ME1 and 2,…
I don't think you understand what "theme" means. Theme does not mean plot.
Here are some examples from popular media
"The Matrix" (the first film): self discovery (shit, they even say it in the film.)
"Star Wars" (Episode IV): Coming of age…
Originally posted by ValasAzuviir
Originally posted by GullyFoyle
And I really don't grasp your comparison between Mass Effect and Starship Troopers.
Starship Troopers is a typical Paul V…
Originally posted by UsualSuspect
Originally posted by Escapehatch
It’s alright to not be satisfied. Heck, I paid money to see a Transformers movie. I was extremely dissatisfied. What I didn't do was demand that Michael Bay make me a b…