As Paradigm's new recruitment officer, I officially bump this thread!
Group 3 is in need of 1 tank and a couple dps. Come join Paradigm on Midgardsormr for fun times, great people, and turn 5 face-desking! Go ahead and contact me on our forums (…
Our raiding core is nearing enough strength to run 3 full groups as our first two continue to work on Turn 5. At this time Paradigm is opening up recruitment selectively for raid spots in this group. If you are interested in joining Paradigm, please…
Originally posted by Mor3294
Registered on your forums, but I'm unable to see the actual application in the application forum. Have you removed it and made it a free-lance application, or am I having a derp moment and it's located somewhere else?
Originally posted by Lord.Bachus
Do you guys think of Final Fantasy as a game, or as a fulltime job?
Our raid schedule is modest, but the hardcore progression Paradigm will accomplish demands exceptional play from our members each raid from beginn…