Id agree. Never Winter nights is nice. Good stroy, easy to jump into. If you really want a true game that stays to the pnp rules, I suggest Elemental Tempel of Evil. it is based souly on 3.5 rules and is Sooo nice. it does tak alittle knowledge in t…
Well, the two games will be toatly different. Pen and Paper is a breed apart from Computer games, thought you may want to play the MMORPG first so as to not go into it with experiences from the pen and paper game, and be dissappointed, but if you pl…
Originally posted by Lockdown
the only problem that i can come up with doing this is What if you get a Clan of Ancient Red dragons....They would totally annihilate everything and destroy all of the towns. There would be nothing that could stand in …
Well Quite simply actually.
3.5 is an upgrade
there, that wasent really all that hard to say. And have you spent any time playing 3.5?? or do you just make off the cuff remarks on systems you havent played, or are you just opposed to newer and b…
Both sides of this are equally compelling, on one hand you have wandering and finding a place after experiencing the lush, and Vibrant enviroment that some gamers enjoy. On the other some players just wanna get to the meat of the adventure, and skip…
Im gonna Have to agree. I really cant stand these 8 year old CS rejects who can find nothing better to do than act all holyer than though and shit. They take 1337 speak and rape it from its noble geek roots to a newage hunk of shit. Frankly i wanna …
Id like to see
hewards Handy Haversack (3bags of holding as one item for cheep)
Animated Towershields ( THing floats infront of you, giving you masive ac bonuses and no ac penalty, not to mention you can opt for full cover, and you dont have to…
Dude, What are you smoking, 3.5 is the best dnd yet. Every thing new to 3.5 is an improvement to Dnd orignal, Adnd, and all that befor it. Every thing not in 3.5 was a hassel anyway. The d20 system is a fantastic improvement over Adnd.
Even thought they have put out a Savage Speicies book, the players that wanted to be a monster race, would vastly out power and out number the people who play the base races. this would make the game a sad mockery of the genra, and its host game. N…
Guys, You have to realise that A drow, in 3.5 dnd which this game is based off, is a +2 ecl. basicaly, a drow with no levels is as powerfula as a second level char. So, giving some players an advance in lvl, wouldent be fair, and would require way t…