those aren't -real- roleplaying games however. They're just like gaining levels, like would you really consider Diablo II over Baldur's Gate II for sheer roleplaying?
"real" RPG's, Zhanghia? Diablo II is a "real" RPG. i mean, if i were in hell or …
let's break down the basics shall we? RPG = role playing game. Playing in a role. ok, and MMORPG= Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, now
a. it is MASSIVELY played (almost 30,000...
c. it is ONLINE, duh
d. you a…
oh, sorry, i just launched a small rant vs. you. if you haven't heard of Kings of Chaos, click it and see for yourself how RPG it is, it is a fun game besides click this then the #. it is a c…
it IS a freakin' MMORPG!!! it is also startagy, but not all stratagy. things happen while you are gone, you have to act quickly to avoid being robbed, if it was a pure stratagy game, i could get a bunch of money, and just come back tomorrow, but in …
yes, it is a MMORPG. it might not be 3-D, but it IS a massisely Muti-player online RPG...ass click this then the #. it is a cool game!!!
a great mmorpg, kings of chaos kick @$$!!! http://
if you can to it through this, you don't have to give your SSN click this then th…
try this out,
it is kings of chaos, a great mmorpg. just clickt he link then the # it shows click this then the #. it is a cool…