I hate having to wait in ques wether it be on at game spy or my local shop I think the way to stop all the ques and get the ball moving again is to assult the blizzard hq and chuck the servers out the window the way this would help is that by chucki…
The screens are good and the pics are well taken i hear about this dark and light thing i avent a clue what it is about though lol but I may try for beta if it isnt closed
Omfg 0ei39%^&I8FCHUIA&*(&w£")(u*(w)ue iLIKE CANDY!!!!
I think that a mmorpg is something to do now and again because the experience really doestn end
but the single player games i buy complete em thennline most ppl are like wh play the mmorpg either way the develpor counts so much in mmorpg i mean t…
aight well like i say guys just post sumpthing if anything comes up but not a rumour
Remember its tamato not tomato
Omfg 0ei39%^&I8FCHUIA&*(&w£")(u*(w)ue iLIKE CANDY!!!!