I cannot tell you anything about their pop since most of them have not released yet (Miner Wars or Divine Space) or they just been released (Star Conflict)
The "Epic Space Game" seems to me a bit like Dark Orbit but it claims to be an ever expan…
I just played the "Epic Space Game", it does not need to contribute, it just could not click on the password field, any way, the game is a bit odd in my opinion and it is 2D actually.. :-((((
And of course then there is Star Trek online wich became F2P but I am not sure how good is its PVP
SWTOR is F2P 'till lvl15 now BTW
Also there was much discussion about "Celetania" in Ubuntu …
I suppose youa re right, I searched for the term "MMO" in their main page and nothing came out, so you are probably right
Still, if it is mostly Single player, I think that 2M goal for funds is a bit too much (Divine Space for example has a goal of…
Perpetuum is not F2P I think
Ryzom is a nice (and a bit old) SandBox game it is available for win, lin and mac and recently it rebooted its servers, it is not set in Space, but I think it is worth a try, it is free for 125 out of 250 lvl per ski…
Star Conflict (I do not know about it well, but I think it just opened and it is free, win only though)
Battlestar Galactica online (Browser Based with Unity add-on available for win and mac)
OP correct me if I am wrong or if somone already mentioned them, But I think that Ryzom and Miner Wars should be added to the list
Ryzom is an mmo in which you can develope any scill you want …