About the cash shop price being ridiculous, yes if you are going to be buying it, you will find it crazy but there is an alternative. You can actually sell in game stuff on exchange market for RP which is like, so easy to earn? That's why they need …
I am lvl56 dragon sage and im surprised at how everyone is finding it hard to grind. The quests are actually pretty rewarding, at my lvl, just doing the quests gets you about 40% to 60% of the xp already so u are only left with a little bit of work …
I am 56dekan on syrephis, pretty slow already, tied up with work. It is a great game for me. probably my favorite of all f2p, rivalling silkroad. It is bot and goldspammer infest, but not as much as silkroad but well, it's just been released so who …