I'm beginning to lose interest with this game. Maybe I got on the hype train to early...IDK. I swear the initial intended release was suppose to be Dec. 2013, then it was moved to Spring 2014, and here we are still waiting on any sort of relative re…
A large community and a competitive aspect, doesn't exactly have to be pvp but something that puts you against other players, like raid progression. There's a few other aspects that are important to me, but those are the two biggest.
Not to be a debby downer, because I really do love the game, but you must have missed the worst of it. The servers were down constantly, and for 2-3 hours at a time. There was a huge problem with being able to do instanced quests, which if you were …
I actually found the game to be extremely enjoyable. I didn't play 1.0 and haven't really ever followed FF, so that could be a contributing reason. Although I am kind of nervous to see what all is in store for endgame. But I'll definitely keep my pr…
P2W is a misused term. Free to play games still cost a ton of money, and require upkeep just like an other game. If a game was really free to play, who pays to produce it? Who pays for the servers? Do the designers work for free? A game isn't pay to…
No, I didn't know there was a way to apply specifically to the PS3 beta, am I too late at this point then? If I have an extra beta key, can I use it to register specifically for the PS3 beta? If so, how do I do that?
Yeah, if I were you I would consider replacing that PSU with a 750 at least, and if you plan on doing any overclocking or upgrading anything else in the near future, you might as well go with something a bit higher. Cooling might be an issue to if y…
Okay all you negative nancy's, how about we get a positive spin on this bad boy. In a perfect world scenario we'll end up seeing this headline, "Billionaire with passion for gaming buys Vivendi out of A/B in agreement to work with Blizzard on changi…
The one and only thing I "rage" about is when other peoples stupidity effects me or the outcome of a game. Mostly a problem in LoL..... but i mean who doesn't rage in league.