i have one too, but im not sure if it still works...i wouldn't see why it wouldn't but i let some one try it and they said it didn't work. but I could give it out again if you want to try it out. i could just forward the PM the info was in to either…
i totaly agree with you on this. ffxi is meant to be a adventure not lvling it is like 1 of the ff on ps2 or playstion but this time it is your adventure who agrees with me?
Yes, it really is about your own adventure in this game, which is what i …
after reading this, it kind of makes me want to stop playing. I was in a party last night at crawlers nest and it took at least 4 hours just to get one level. i cant imagine higher lvls. I do find stuff that i enjoy, like doing quests and choco ra…
I am currently on Asura server and a part of 2 LS's and they have been very helpful.
You are into healing/helping people Paladin, Corsair, or Bard may be right up your alley, these are all very beneficial to any party!
I have came back to the …
Before I state a few games I know of I have to say that I am a great fan of Seven Samurai and many other Akira Kurosawa films, which I highly recommend if you haven't seen them; Sanjuro, Yojimbo, Kagemusha...to name a few. (All named samurai era fi…
Originally posted by evilmegaman
hey nanooks3, what is your sig from? It's from some game but I am braindead so which game is it from?
Haha I'm a moron, i thought you were talkin about my name. ya that sig is from the orig…
Originally posted by THe_GAmE21
can i get a pass too
Sorry man, unfortunately each game only comes with 1 buddy pass, but if anyone else has some I would suggest sharing them to try and get the fanbase going for people who wanna che…
Originally posted by evilmegaman
hey nanooks3, what is your sig from? It's from some game but I am braindead so which game is it from?
To be honest, when I was a kid I used to say that a lot, I think i got it from my older …
from what i heard your characters stay with SE but just all your in game equipment and items get deleted...I do know someone on my server that was able to log onto their account but was stripped all his loot, which is probably the hardest thing for …