Very bad crafting system killed this game, all the time u do in game is thumoing and doing fast 3 min missions over and over every day, better weapons are useless, u need to go back to city to repair them all the time, dead game for me if they not g…
Worst event yet, very boring even invasions not so boring, very easy enemies ,good thing that map looks good, and this info is outdated , event started month ago and is ended now.
They are not mmorpgs, just a single player games with chat, thats why i not play them. I prefer real single player games or mmorpgs. Rift gw and star wars are worst, super boring games for loners.
Boring repetetive quests, quest helper not help, tried 2 times to start over, cant finish quests because there is no tips what to do and where to do, im not sick to google hours for so many useless repetetive quests, reminds me runes of magic and no…
Game is plain brainless pvp, there is nothing more, internet have tonns of similar games, spec ops, tanks, planes but its ok if i like to shoot without thinking much i can take one for some time, bad thing in this game is very bad controls its unpla…
Gameplay sux, hardto see any anemy closer then far away dots,you always shot from someone far far away,character movement and targeting is super bad ,queue to enter game aprox is 30 mins ,very bad explained difference between factions, engineer cla…
Without pve, im not gona play GA, whats the point to make another pvp fps, like tonns of many others. Without f2p game will die, with fine cash shop where people can buy only xp boosts, game will success, overpowered stuff there or pay to win and …
Latest patch was disaster, so bad ballance,with liberation front army i never loose,every map location taken by lf, not chalanging and everyone played lf coz of that an hard to find even battle,shadow forces is so bad, they made them for masochists,…
Its totally dead, even last maintenace was half year ago, i dont talk even for any other updates wich was like year ago, in forum support not even respond or talk,lots of bugs and cheaters,most of people go for firefall, it looks like ga clone.. wa…
PREPARE FOR FAKE FRE TO PLAY GAME! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! USE BRAINS, web have rtonns of pure ftee to play games without locked stuff and not forcing you PAY! Wait Firefall even can try dead Global Agenda and many many more
It means FAKE FREE TO PLAY WITH LOCKED LEVELS ,CONTENT ETC , never trose Sony Online Entertainment, ALL their stuff IS ADVERTISED FAKE,THEY FORCE people to PAY WITH LIES, most of people wasting time downloading their crap wich they mean is free to …