-=oh and to rotring - beta for ryl2 has only been out for as long as i stated i had played... and will only be out a few more days. played Ryl 1 before that and was hoping for an improvement not a downgrade to the 2nd one. Inform yourself before you…
'(thats right, all i found) unless the "I have been playing this game for 3 weeks *flame flame flame*"
and a little later "this game doesn't update once a month, more like once a year" (or something like that, i didn't write it down)
so, you would…
ye well i read all ure posts and also the other ones , i didnt subscribe for ryl:PotE p2p , but i got my own reasons , i will when the time comes and btw u should be the one reading other stuf before flaming this to much makes ya look bad 'beta hopp…
dude , u had any positive experiences in ryl ?
is ure life going well ? , cause flaming so much a game/company is not realy normal
u hve mental problems ? cause u dont seem to accept tht gms help more than u see nor anything tht anyone says
dunno why ppl are so negative and not realistic bout the world , wake up theres nothing free in this world , if u dont accept it than u hve problems
p2p if u wanna play
dont p2p if u wanna hop on betas always complaining when they p2p
Haha its funny to see ppl talking bout stuf they dont know about , if u give it a few months and get an high lvl character u may actualy enjoy the game , if u just whant to go and play for free , i sugest Gunbound