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  • Originally posted by Quizzical What is your intended use case here, anyway?  Is it a job with a lot of downtime, so you can play games during the downtime but have to drop the game immediately when something comes up?  Do you move around a lot and …
  • Originally posted by Ridelynn You could build a SFF PC that is easily portable and beats a laptop on a $1500 budget, but you also need the mouse/keyboard and hookup to the monitor/TV - that's not a huge deal if your moving it once/twice a week, but …
  • Originally posted by jdnewell Originally posted by Timbus So this kinda changes things up a bit, but I just came in to a decent amount of money so I'm willing to spend more money if it will be worth it in the long run. I would also like a new moni…
  • So this kinda changes things up a bit, but I just came in to a decent amount of money so I'm willing to spend more money if it will be worth it in the long run. I would also like a new monitor. I guess the max I'm willing to spend now is about $1500…
  • Thanks a lot! Appreciate the help.
  • Originally posted by Quizzical Depending on your priorities, you could try a cheap Kaveri laptop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314813 20 W TDP for the APU means you're not going to have heat problems.  And 6 GCN CUs f…
  • Originally posted by Quizzical What needs to fit in that budget?  Do you also need peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, surge protector)?  Or just the case and everything that goes inside it? How often are you planning on moving it?  T…
  • Originally posted by Janders Why don't you build a mid tower and keep it at work? I'm a paramedic and I work at multiple ambulance bases, so I need something I can easily take with me. I guess a laptop would make the most sense, but I can't really…
  • I have an ATI 6770. My case is a cooler master haf, I dont know the exact model. My power supply is a fatal1ty 550w. Other than that I pretty much need all new.