Billy was erecting a castle wall connecting his kingdom with the neighboring town. He wasn't too sure about his decision on buying marble. It costed $1000,000 and some gold. Cracking the marble was time-consuming and hurt his back. So, a troll Go…
Billy was erecting a castle wall connecting his kingdom with the neighboring town. He wasn't too sure about his decision on buying marble. It costed $1000,000 and some gold. Cracking the marble was time-consuming and hurt his back. So, a troll Go…
Billy was erecting a castle wall connecting his kingdom with the neighboring town. He wasn't too sure about his decision on buying marble. It costed $1000,000 and some gold. Cracking the marble was time-consuming and hurt his
downlaoded XII and it didnt run either, said there was something wrong or this sucks i payed 6.95 to download them files and now they dont even work? wtf?
Billy was erecting a castle wall connecting his kingdom with the neighboring town. He wasn't too sure about his decision on buying marble. It costed $1000,000 and some gold. Cracking the marble was time-consuming and
Ok, first of all, how do you know that he has done it? you dont live in the same town, he hasnt posted it.. did he tell you in chat? second dont flame me, i posted this to apologize to djin, i had no intention in making him do that. and third, i tho…
DAOC has boring landscape, boring pve, unbalanced classes (seriously), and end game RVR is long range casters-stelthers-zergs...not fun unless your already high end in realm points and one of those....
ya i just herd it too, he said in chat that he was just -joking- about the issue, and he said he didnt know that weep would do that or had the skills TO do that. owell