All This Greed in the console wars is only going to do one thing bring back popularity PC gaming .Where Indie developers will get a larger share of the market .For us were get games not control by profits or decisions made not by the CEO but by dev…
Xbox one is know longer about gaming and what little there was told gamers were going to bash your heads open to bleed ever last red cent from you and your going to like because we said so. Bill got his head stuck up his think Xbox one is taking ove…
There was once a time years and years ago when playing a game meant to be played fair and without cheating .Now days cheating is just away of life in games and outside of games . Today their more forums on cheat them place like this and even here h…
Weather its a 15 year old cursing you out or a 35 year old 1,000 word rant on how big of troll you are thats gaming nowdays . But its fun to read them in moring with a good cup of coffee to start your day out with a good laugh .
GW2 for me ~ Dont get me wrong I enjoyed the time I played very much and got 2 lv. 80 but It just got boring and found myself playing around bots more the real player to offen which killed the whole RPG factor . There just noghting wroth doing that …
Ultima Online its been all down hill since . It wasnt a very good game if you conpare to the games today but the attuilde of the players that made it such a great game.
I think you all are missing the one point it looked like he was doing a dance with a gaint chicken. It may or may be a better fight systrem but if it looks like a chicken , fights like a chicken and dances like a chicken thats fall from epic its ju…
I love how fanboys can put a happy spin on everything. You guys keep looking the other way and pretening its not there . Buts its just a start of bigger problems to come . Which is really sad GW2 is a great game and to have outside force ruin it mak…
Bots have killed the game for me ! Its has been getting worst not better and now Ive been seeing players telepeort around not bots .Thats what happens when you let something go so long its speading and normal players wont in on the fun if thats wha…
There wouldnt be ant bots if players wouldnt buy from them ! I think they shouild have a server all to their own so anybody who wants to cheat can go there and have a blast. But dont dumb down the game for the rest of us saw 2 rangers last night tel…