Hmm. Goofy, with a vengeance. Interesting. Good (and profitable) deal. Now Disney has something for the younger folk, and for their mature audience. But I have to raise an eyebrow when they begin inviting the producers of the Saw movie series to th…
No one is waiting for a Twilight MMO. Twilight is, to say the least and most obvious of it, a love story. It tells how the girl falls in love with the guy who turns out to be a vamp. I really don't need an 'MMOG' of it, to tell me that.
The author…
Just after reading this announcement, I got the sudden urge to decapitate myself, do a little victory dance Final Fantasy style, and throw my head to the nearest person I could hit.
Seriously, what the hell are they thinking!? I very much like Twi…