yea thats the thing, I bought the game from a friend when he quite playing so it has some of his account info. Like when you ask for your password back it says type in your favourite movie and your phone number and e-mail and i dont have all that in…
Well for one a pirate wont be walking through a spanish town because each nation has seperate ports so sorry no spanish navil captain will be arresting people in port. Also everyone talks about multi player ships but so much can go wrong with that. …
They still havent decided if avatar combat will be in release or not thats the big decision right now. It will affect when the game is released, if its not in game then it could release this year. If in the game probably not tell next year.
Anything this team does they spend a lot of time on Im sure it will turn out to be better than expected. I have to say though this economic system awesome just what I wanted.
One of the key thinks that I think will keep people intrested is its immersive combat. The game is based on skill no on +1 cannons of doom!!!! you actually have to do something when fighting not sitting back and clicking a spell macro. The core game…
The devs have the core mechanics finished they are now just polishing up the game for release. One key factor in its release will be if they decide to put avatar combat in before or after r1. If its after could see a release this year, if before mig…