Is load lag fixed?
Are knock ups in game?
Are we going to have spells like Stormblast or items like Small battlespikes used to accelerate us?
Where do random critical hits fit into a competitive PvP game?
Explain your reasons for add…
Originally posted by Aethaeryn Originally posted by skrewwL00se Originally posted by ayronamic
How did melee par with ranged in 1v1 in general?
In Darkfall 1 PvP you had to be versatile. Melee has very high damage output, so if you're sta…
Originally posted by logicwar Originally posted by skrewwL00se Been playing since EU launch. I know just about everything there is to know about Darkfall. I'd love to answer questions from inexperienced/potential players.
-skreww L00se
Just noticed that Whisper has a similar thread but better. Delete this one!
Originally posted by ayronamic
How did melee par with ranged in 1v1 in general?
In Darkfall 1 PvP you had to be versatile. Melee has very high damage output, so if you're standing there trying to shoot someone that is in your face melee'ing you, y…
Originally posted by RavingRabbid
I might play once ive transferred to Va and Darkfall 2 comes out. What is the best way to survive right out the gate?
Join a clan. Darkfall is all about clan warfare and playing in a group gives you a way better c…