Originally posted by Immortalit
I agree with Ken even though I have my own server. I just started playing on Maya again.
And there is one thing you guys should be aware of:
There might be LESS hackers on private servers, but on private servers hacke…
yeah i totally agree with this i mean the only rpg ive realy played is MU Online and i mean my pc's not in too good condition at the moment so i cant get all these good games on here that are free... but most rpg's are p2p at the moment but im sure …
Your type is: EKS. 1% of respondents so far fall into that type.
The numbers below represent percentage of how many times you selected a given suite when given the chance. Since there are 15 questions for each suite out of 30 total, the number will…
i'de have to say for Xbox it wud prob be morrowind halo 1! or NFSU2....
ps2 probs bee flatout......
PC it wud be MUonline
i have no gamecube...
N64 wud be Zelda
and sega wud definatly be Sonic!
lol..... ye i spose its ok if they are new to the whole idea.. but if im having a bad day i just grunt and tell some1 else to answer for me ita a hell of a lot easier.... not alot of people ask me tho since all my m8s are gaming freaks and no abo…
nah way if we r talking about the funniest names then its got to be uruguay or howeva its spelt.... because if u read it slowly it can say you are gay.. which is a pretty funny country name...
but if its the actual country then its every other cou…
In my opinion.. well my favourite is MU Online its realy good because it the same veiw all through the game so its not complicated and you dont have to move it around and you can always see what you are doing from that one place. Another reason i pr…