I am extremely disappointed! Ubisoft is now the conveyor shit!
I bought the game hoping that it is something good and it turned out ...
kill mobs, kill mobs ubivaym mobs! After reaching the limit, and where? Dark in the zone? And as more flee fl…
This game is SUXXX !!!
LOOK https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=war+thunder+%26+world+of+warplanes&oq=war+thunder+%26+world+of+warplanes&gs_l=youtube.3..33i21.6513.25644.0.25727.…
I want to draw your attention!
Now look at the date when the present review was published!
Now look website! For when he was registirovan and when was the last time?
THIS review is misleading, and in 85% it is NOT TRUE!
Overview of c…