I actually agree
In this game I have tried to avoid the panic that seems to consume most games to level as fast as possible
I have quested, traded , explored etc etc
and enjoyed it all..
some great scenarios and I like the start…
But the big question is
Is this not a game ........
Just play have fun ...wander round explore, do quests , if you are just grinding ....
What it really neds is some NEW zones..
ie ...an Urban zone ....a city ..building to building fighting ..no tanks planes etc ...softy to softy fight.
an Air zone ..a all aircraft dogfight..
or perhaps a naval battle
adding a…
On the subjetc of farming ...
will we have a proper weather system ..(not just the random rain/snow/sun that other games provide for 30 minutes ...
I mean will we get wet summer ...droughts etc ..all the real life features that can make …