Listen here cheesy nuts that is what this is called a forums, it is made for bitching, complaning, discussion, and compliments, that is why it is here.
So I will take your negative bitching with a grain of salt and say maybe your right maybe your …
What problems do you have a link so I may purouse it and maybe make a better decision I was going to go with ATI x800 but I want the pixalshder 3.0.
Do you have a X800 and play this game or does anybody maybe have a kcikass card they would sugges…
I have a 9700 pro I use, and you can do high quality in some areas but expect low fps.
I personily use the performance option below balanced and then make sure all the textures are medium, lighting and stuff. Turn off shadows completely this card …
Kick ass graphics what hell are you playing on an Atari. This games gaphics are worse than a Gameboys. And although I love MMorpg's this game is all about lvl grind and nothing more. I guess if you like to group alot and talk to people sure, but …
While those bugs are annoying and determental to gameplay, this game does suffer from two many little things that make it unfun.
I am a cyberpunk fan so I really can get into a game like this, I have gone back and forth with this game for 2 years…
Man this Game was so fun all 3 times i installed and uninstalled it. I played the first time but the strange physics of the characters body movements really made me say wooo that is strange.
After teh 3rd time of installing and playing I finally f…