"If you’re sick and tired of themepark MMOs, chances are you’ll tire of life on Nexus quickly."
It's a quite traditional mmorpg, but with many features bumped up a notch. I've probably played just too many of similar games to stick with wildstar o…
I hope it will be trion or sony. They got fair cash shops in their f2p games and my experience of their p2ps are good too. I dont care what the payment model will be, as long as it has a good publisher.
Not gonna bother to mention any money grabbi…
The mediocrity... funcom may have nice ideas, but they really often lack the final touch... for example trade houses search system... not very pleasing experience, and theres a plenty more of that kind of stuff, if your familiar with Funcom, you pro…
Not quite living up to its hype imo... i dont feel like its worth the box price at launch AND a monthly fee. Unless some miracle happens, im gonna wait till its on sale on steam if it will be on steam or price in stores comes down. If it hasnt gone …
I doubt En masse would publish it for europe, otherwise it would be ok. So for Europe I'd like to see trion or ccp publishing it. Hopefully this game lives up to its hype.
The mmo game with the best combat system and also open world...
Monthly sub is worth it imo atm, lets hope there wont be a greedy cash shop when its f2p
Beta is beta, disappearing items can be fixed, but still, what makes this game more succesful than the dozens of other similar shooters with an average of a few dozens of ppl online at a time? One more game to be killed by games like cod and battlef…