Originally posted by elitestrider
dpse ur wife enjoy playing this cuz my gf dosent and she jsut likes to play the fantacy games without violance
she actually has more hours logged tehn i do.. on weekends she's up till 3 playing usually..
I myself would like to see some sort of weapons specific.. not to customize but to maybe buy a weapon that you might have accidently dropped onto ground before being slingshotted into a new zone...and the in turn fainting because your gold fire uber…
Shaban Grould or any memmber of the guild i am in is usually more tehn willing to help... plus that if it is a cool additude type person .. we might just invite them into the guild...
i choose no.. but there should not be a need for fees... why because like was said before they said so.. this game is an awesome game ..it pulled me away fromFPS games and I ain't looked back since...if they keep adding content the way they are and…
i'm probably gonna go monk but sont know what sencond trait will be... although i wonder .. can you do monk/necro? they kinda contradict each other so i wonder how that would work... alas i did not get to play in any of the beta's to see
I just wanted to say thanks for the responss... if the in game community is as cordial as the rest of you then i should enjoy this game much.... hope to see some of you all in game soon