Well, like I said, it's my opinion.
I found the game to be so easy. And I was only lvl31.
I like the way games can be easy. Cuz I'm not playing like 5hours a day. I can play like 2hours a day.
But getting more level, is like a goal for me. Whe…
That's cool after two months u hit the maximum level u can .......
This game is for kid ....
and don't say, try it and shut up. I tried it.
I left because there's too many 60th. that's kinda ruined the game to be so easy ....
People saying that in lineage2 u have to play too much and always killing the same mob well I'll say that u sound like wow player.
DUde I stopped wow when I was lvl31 because I was bored. Seeing lvl 60 everywhere, doing stupid quest like kill …
Hi!, I tried wow and I came back to l2. My brother gave me his account and I just started a new character on kain. Who do I have to contact to get in the guild ?