Preorders are up and our members are abuzz with excitement and activity over the information creeping in. With just a few short months left until launch, our members are occupying our time with gaming events and real life events, including online mo…
The preorder date is right around the corner! We are now increasing our member cap to 75 to accommodate the high interest in the Free Company and FFXIV. We’ve changed our recruitment application to better learn about our incoming applicants. In addi…
Into Memoria has hit a soft cap of 50 members. We will not be accepting new applicants (outside of friends and family) until our player base drops below our soft cap. Keep an eye on this thread if you are still interested, as I will update the threa…
With Beta just a few days away, our forum activity is positively booming with our ever-expanding playerbase preparing for new information and, for many of them, beta access. Check out our new IRC chat channel and take part in one of our many active …
Into Memoria is now at 40 active members, and our forums are abuzz with discussions about the impending beta as well as many threads for getting to know our growing group. We started FFXI 2 weeks ago with many fresh characters and are all level 99 n…
Originally posted by Yaevindusk
Good luck to you!
Crafting groups such as yourselves will probably be running everything about the new servers with your organization and past experiences with crafting.
I'd definitely recommend anyone joining…