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  • Not really, for each of the 4 classes you can choose from you can pick gender and from about 5 different faces and 10 hairstyles and I belive skin/hair color aswell. So it's better than nothing but I wouldn't call it a strong point.
  • Deus Ex, the first game, is a really good RPG, allthough single-player. Deus Ex: Human Revolutions is allright, nice as good as the first game but with significantly improved graphics and perhaps more inviting.
  • Yeah I didn't like EVE much, there is just no joy in exploring that world for me. It just feels like numbers and backdrops to me, no soul.
  • When I say crafting I mainly mean things other than combat that you can work on. Being able to craft stuff for my own benefit is good, being able to craft stuff for other players to trade with is even better. Being able to craft stuff that NPC's sel…
  • I've been looking to start with a new MMO aswell as I have alot of time on my hands the next coming months. I tried TERA but didn't like it much, it felt VERY similar to AION or Guild Wars 2, but the combat was more entertaining. WoW I've allready p…
  • Originally posted by Maephisto Originally posted by asmkm22 Originally posted by Maephisto The common denominator in all your failed relationships, is you.   or bad game design. Ok, i'll bite. I posit that the OP is a bad game…
  • There seems to be alot of talk about Age of Wushu, I looked at some gameplay photage and it looks like your avarage korean or chinese MMO, but perhaps looks can decieve after all. Can you tell me abit more about the crafting system in this game? How…