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  • Originally posted by godpuppet I believe LOTRO has brought something new to the table, playable monsters? Not quite, original EQ did bring the playable monster on the test server for a while, but it wasn't very popular and it was very bugg…
  • Originally posted by bawldy CCP lied CCP provides help to their buddies that others do not get CCP covered up the whole thing until it was forced to acknowledge the cheating DID happen CCP then went on a cover up propaganda spree that is stil…
  • Got my e-mail saying my account was upgraded to GoCAT/CT Member.. downloading right now. Gentlemen, it's now official.. WELCOME TO ROMA VICTOR! Make sure to DISABLE your firewall before downloading or you'll get a corrupted zip file. I had to dis…
  • [quote]Originally posted by [RB]KFR [b]If you have any problems with the process (such as the form indicating that you've already applied) simply send a mail to [email=contest@redbedlam.com] and we'll see what we can do. Please be patient though - …
  • Originally posted by kingsatchmo I was under the impression that this was the weekend they would get the gamma server up and be letting people in. Am I wrong? Yeah my bad, i read the wrong quote. You are right, this is the weekend, hoping there won…
  • Originally posted by kingsatchmo Well looks like they are having some problems since we haven't gotten it yet... *cries* I really thought this would be the day. They said gamma server would be up only next weekend.
  • Originally posted by Siphons how am I a hipocrit? Don't put words in my mouth, and don't picture this being written by a redfaced loser. Ok, clear your mind of all preconceptions of your likes and dislikes. Breathe in. Go deep into yourself and find…
  • Originally posted by PrJdGmr Originally posted by Arremus And where's the fun in that? Have to pass the time somehow... *grins*(Yes, yes, for the hot tempered, this is SARCASM!)Well you do have a point...this does seem to be a good way to pass the t…
  • People people people, Maximos is right, we should all drop the subject right now and wait to see what's really happening at RB. Some of us are saying the beta was a scam and a publicity stunt, without any proof for now. Others are saying it's onl…
  • Originally posted by ursin With a launch date still estimated at end of September, we are going to receive a token appearance in Beta before the game launches. I, unfortunately, have given up on hoping to have any kind of input on the development o…
  • Originally posted by maciopa How much does it take to write an e-mail that could clarify the situation? I asume they are adult and proffessional and if they write "You will be contacted within 48hrs" Here's a quote from the e-mail we all received f…
  • Originally posted by Carson123 i just wanna clarify for all the annoying ass kids like ringer thinking that all of us are complaining about not getting the e-mail in the first 15 seconds, that we are not complaining about the long wait, its the fact…
  • Originally posted by maciopa Hey,I just want to ask If I am the only one from the so-called "winning list" who haven't had a second e-mail from RedBedlam? If not -> let me ask here -> what we won? Did we won ANYTHING? or just empty words? Did…
  • Originally posted by Maximos MrLeX007, you can stop trying to debate the issue, I'm done, its pointless, you refuse to try and see what others are saying. Listening is a skill that is greatly underused now days but lets just let this all go. Ok? …
  • Originally posted by PrJdGmr They let 180 people in, but was that the number of people who saw the contest and got interested in the game because of the contest? By the looks of it, there were more people. Heck, because of the amount of publicity …
  • Originally posted by Maximos NDA's are eventually lifted. And the experience of beta testers plays HEAVILY into a game's success. Always has, always will, word of mouth reigns surpreme in adverising. If the game is good and the company is listeni…
  • Originally posted by Maximos In the end, they stated it was a beta slot contest. And even if it was a technical fubar that caused the accounts to be postponed, that's not better. In fact that's much worse. I'd rather have it stated that they were…
  • Originally posted by Maximos anyone...anyone...Bueller?...anyone...To promote the game. By stepping into using the beta as a promtional venu, they are stepping into the realm of providing me something if I win. Guess what. I won. The contest rule…
  • Originally posted by Siphons You guys just don't get it do you? We all understand it's beta, but thanks for restating it. So i'll restate for you what's happening. Redbedlam ran a contest. The contest was for one-hundred and eighty beta slots for t…
  • Originally posted by Siphons By all means, bash WoW () But please don't defend redbedlam for this joke of a contest. If they don't want people in at this time, then at this time they should NOT run a contest! simple as that. I have all the confide…