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  • yeah i looked at that stuff it all talked about evolution. about how we came from sludge or whaterever u want to call it. that we evolved from little organism yada yada yada yada and it goes on and on and on.  but does it ever tell you the chances t…
  • o yeah and if you where to look at the mathatical approach of if we are the only intteligetn species its over 9,000,000,000,000,000,000(that we are) to 1( that we arent) and its probably even less likely then that.
  • Originally posted by Badhawk OK, I want to clear this up for everyone who is trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for what I saw. Really, none of your arguments hold weight. It was a black triangle with lights on 3 ends, I could faintly s…
  •     tell me one thing. why do you find it so hard to understand that there is someone who has more control then you can ever hope for. why dont you belief in God.  is it because you are scared, scared that you cant control what happens?     I will…
  • ok since the beginning of time people have felt the need to belief in something greater then themselves.  if you look at any religion  you will see that they have a flood story. a story that explains that everything was destroyed by a flood and peop…
  • Originally posted by nubbins the  mathematical chances of us being alone in the universe are slim to nil , in all probability we are just one species out of billions that inhabit this universe , possibly tens of thousands of species that have estab…
  •     the answer to that i also stated. because they lack reason.  they remember things that happen and can think about what they do but that only gives them inteligence.  but without reason inteligence has little help.  they dont reason that if cars …
  •      first off, there are very many people have say that they have have seen a "U.F.O." but does every1 know what U.F.O. stand for?  it stands for Unidentified Flying Object.   the thing is that there are lots of things that fly and are unidentified…