One thing that should be changed is that we should be able to re-vote since now i do want to vote on that the system is pretty muhc perfect and the only wrong is the users.
Achiever 66% Explorer 66% Killer 46% Socializer 20%
Melvin "Fusion" Smith - Creator of MUD++ (the first open source C++ MUD), co-developer of Envy (2)
Erwin S. Andreasen - Co-creator of this survey, MUD programmer (18)
Paul Sage - Lead De…
So i guess theres really no way to get you to add my game :> Not even in a news subject about that we are like started etc? Or maybe just in a review? Please don't feel that I'm naging too much I will not continue to nag you more
Okey, I haven't tried rating myself i just saw my status go up and down since uselly most get "stars" from the amount of posted messages in other forums.