Originally posted by Stug Simply putting a player on ignore does not mean it isn't polluting the hangar with anti-social, gansgta-speak ridden crap, does it?
How many kills a day/month etc where JG26 getting?
I'm going to leave it here. I have …
Originally posted by argel The harsh reality is a) no empirical proof and b) some discussion to be had about whether someone who makes this type of stuff his own pet project would be the type of person (and people) who would use any 'calling out boa…
Originally posted by tom_servo Originally posted by JG26_Enigma
I get individual responses all the time. I guess you don't get love with your reports. I rather have action than reports. I'm done being patient and being told something is being do…
Originally posted by kaiser3282 Discussions of cheating, hacking, exploits, etc is not allowed on the forums for the game. The issues are supposed to be taken care of via their support / ticket system, not in publc discussions in the forums.
Lexfire is wrong. we have e-mailed, screen shotted, video recorded and even referenced stats for proof of cheaters (see Thief's method for figuring out plug pulling) for at least the 2+ some change years I've been flying in this game and not one f'…