Only one week after its offical announcement/debut at E3 the Shadowrun community has begun to speak out against such a blatant butchery of the Shadowrun license. Gamespot Forums, Gamespy Preview, and at the offical game forums Shadowrun.
Something that has been striking a chored with me lately, is the number of people that seem to think levels are not a problem. Back in the day, I would more than likely have agreed wholeheartedly, nowadays, I have come to see the inherent problem…
Once again inspiration comes from the tried and tested Pencil and Paper RPGs. Again I refer to Shadowrun as my leading inspiration. Being a veteran of both PnP RPGs and MMOs I have seen what works and what is and has been falling short in my opin…
Rifts would make for an awesome game, but what about Shadowrun and its juicy goodness. There's even a new addition of the game out that caters itself to the video game format better than ever before. Check it out at or www.dumps…
I could not have put it better. This topic has been one that my friends and I have discussed for years now. Being an avid Shadowrun PnP gamer and having been playing it since SR 2nd edition I have always wanted to a see a system similar to its gamin…