Another Pay To Play game who bites te dust, i wonder when the greedy publishers will learn the lesson?. Yes i know Defiance turned free at the end but it was too late to save the sinking boat.
though sometimes is fun (or required) to play in groups, most of the time i prefer to developt the games's story on my own way and time, if u play whit others they will rush you to get to the goal asap, i rather like to enjoy the ride than rush.
F2P its never a bad, there is no such thing, there are bad game tough but they can be any kind.
and yes, F2P is the future, and may games and companies are starting to see this, take examples of games who started into the dark side and turned F2P l…
I played the closed beta, got disapointed, the customization options are not even as wide as the trailers claim to be, ya u can change the collor of ur hair and skin but if u want to change that ugly predetermined face ur character has ... hell no!.…