I just would like to notify that as of now Curse.com has free beta keys giveaway. I just grabbed mine. I heard that the amount of keys should be substantially big, so go and also grab your key. (Just need to create free account first)
I think the …
Just would like to mention, as I had no luck of getting key for any of the previous beta, I am looking for a key for the next weekend beta.
So if anyone out there has a spare, please share and make us happy.
Seems that key is already used by someone.
Not by me though, the person who used it forgot to reply, so just not to give anyone false hope, when they see this. :P
Is there someone who did not use their key for this weekend beta and would so kind as to share it with me? I sadly never got into beta and would like to try the game myself first, to see if it is worth buying.
It is quite expensive to buy it just o…