Stop by and see us in IRC.
We're having open house guild meetings on Tuesday evenings at 7pm central (gmt - 6) time and on Sundays at 7pm central (gmt -6).
People will be in the room periodically at other times so feel free to pop in and say …
We now have a brief guild history online and we've settled on having Teamspeak. We should have the teamspeak server up and running either this weekend or early next week and we'll begin having "open house" a couple days a week on TS to t…
Unless this is dealt with harshly and openly the sub numbers have peaked.
35,000 were online at once a few weeks ago.. now that's gonna start falling off a bit. Where it will really hurt though is in all the extra accounts that are just flat out …
Britney Spears has sold a hell of a lot more records than In Flames has, but I don't think that means that she's better at singing, just better at being a commercial whore.
Thus the difference between a WoW and an Eve Online. Eve is without…