This update had a massive amount of minor ambient dialogue (which was amazing). To what extent was that dialogue planned by the design team, as opposed to being initiated by the writing team flexing their new scripting abilities? (or was it both?)
Suggestion to staff. For future POI question calls, please make it clear that POI is focused on the Living World content. Specifically the design and lore of the most recent episode.
Based on the comments here, it is clear that many play…
Originally posted by Thupli
Hey look, two one count posters from anet trying to get away from the constant stream of questions about actual features being added to the game.
Braham's dialogue this episode shows that his perspective is maturing. I really enjoyed seeing his interactions with Eir. In what other ways will we be seeing Braham's attitude mature?
*minor spoilers*
One of my favorite parts of this update was controlling Scruffy as a way to help Taimi complete her device. This method of story progression felt more compelling and engaging than simply going around and fetching the items myself. …