Originally posted by Savij just wanted to post something in you EC forum but i cant
can only recruited member discuss there?
Well you have to register, it's a fairly simple procedure.
Besides imagine if just about any passer-by could post so…
I have joined only recently the Chapter, but i have to say my Battle Brothers are the most fearsome, noble, crazy bunch of Space Marines one could wish for!
Glory awaits!
Kharas of the Space Wolves
There is only one answer for me..Master of Magic by SImtec and Microprose...I 've been playing it since 1994...i keep coming back to it, no matter how far games advance, this one still has managed what most consider impossible..it has infinite re-pl…
Greetings fellow adventrurers!
I haven't jacked-in for a year or so...ever since we finished all the missions in the original Matrix Online, and had absolutely nothing to do...you prob know what i mean ...
The thing is that the setting and the fee…